<div>使い方はいろいろです。復習に利用するのもいいですね。これから英語を学んでいこうとしている人が利用するのもいいです。<br><br>人に言われてするのではなく、<br><br>自分のペースで、自分に合った単元を、自分のやり方で<br><br>勉強しましょう。<br><br><br>April showers bring May flowers.<br><br>Take it easy.<br><br><br><br><br><br></div> |
<div>海外旅行で役に立つ英語を学ぶ、基礎的なコースです。空港、買い物、レストラン等での日常英語表現を、実際に会話しながら学びます。</div> |
<div> 中学で学習する内容を文法の点から復習したい、授業で扱う文法を予習したい、授業で聞き逃した文法の説明をもう1回聞きたい…。そんな人のための講座です。</div><div> 授業ではProgress in English 21 (エデック)を使用しています。</div> |
<div>高等学校 物理基礎 力学(物体の運動~力と運動~仕事とエネルギー)の解説動画です。</div><div><br></div><div>授業の流れ</div><ol><li>各講においてあるプリント教材を印刷やダウンロードして、書き込める準備をする</li><li>授業動画を見て、プリントに書き込む(板書以外も、気になったことなどを書きましょう!!)</li><li>エキストラとして、参考動画を見ると、より理解が深まると思います</li></ol><div>授業を受講している生徒は、必ず指定された授業までに動画を見てノートを完成させておくこと。</div><div><br></div><div>Keyword:</div><div>速度 等加速度直線運動 落体の運動 <span>運動の法則 (力のつり合い 運動方程式) </span><span>仕事とエネルギー</span></div><div><br></div><div>ご意見・ご感想などはこちらへ</div><div>yasufumi.watanabe0723@gmail.com</div> |
<div>高等学校「化学基礎」の世界へようこそ!<br><br>「化学」と聞いて、苦手意識の強い人もいるかもしれませんね。ですが、身近なものを手にとってみてください。服も、カバンも、靴も、鉛筆も、全てが化学物質ということに気づいていたでしょうか?<br>(極論、我々自身も化学物質の集合体です)<br><br>そうです、化学はかなり私たちの生活に密着した、身近な学問の一つなんです。コタニズム的思想(講師:小谷)に基づくと、<br><br>「化学は、国語に次いで身近な学問である」<br><br>と表記されることになります(笑)<br><br>苦手な人も、得意な人も、どちらでもない人(?)も、知れば身の回りのことが少しよく分かるようになる!知れば生活が豊かになる!と思って、愛着をもって取組んでみましょう。<br>(特に、料理は上手になります)<br><br>さて、このコースでは、Chemistry(化学)の基本的な事柄を学習していくことになります。コースの目的としては、次に示す4つの事柄を理解することです。<br><br>①物質を構成している原子は、どのように結合しているのか?<br>②小さな原子や分子は、どのように数える(計る)のか?<br>③原子同士が反応(化学反応)するには、どのようなルールがあるのか?<br>④化学反応には、どのような種類があるのか?(酸塩基・酸化還元など)<br><br>特に力を入れて取組んでほしいのは「②」の分野になりますが、まずは化学の基礎をしっかりと理解していきましょう!!<br></div> |
<div>近畿大学附属中学校の代数の授業のコースです。<br>動画の中で、教科書の練習をするように指示が出ますが、そのまま視聴しても内容が理解できるようになっています。<br>中学生の数学の学習に役立てればと思っています。<br></div> |
<div><div>For a full course on grammar, subscribe to the second course in the English Essentials series: <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/english-essentials-grammar/id1036001996" target="_blank" data-mce-href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/english-essentials-grammar/id1036001996">English Essentials: Grammar</a>!<br></div></div><div><b></b><br></div><div><div><b>Named by Apple as a Best of 2014 course</b><br></div><div><br></div><div>The iBooks Textbook for this course, <i><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;">English Essentials: Writing</span></i>, is now available in the iBooks Store ($1.99, if available in your region). Download the paired Textbook now! <br></div></div><div><div>This course is designed to expose you to the various English discourses and develop essential writing skills including clear, coherent paragraphs and longer, thesis-driven essays. Some attention will be given to grammar and sentence-level skills. This course includes four major writing assignments (narrative, compare and contrast, research, and argument) as well as a concluding discussion on other ways of knowing and writing (final portfolio). <br></div><div><br></div><div>Through guided writing prompts and additional instruction in the accompanying iBooks Textbook <i><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;">English Essentials: Writing</span></i> ($1.99, if available in your region), this course serves as a foundation to your writing career both in skills taught and learned and in larger discussions and ways of thinking. This course is but the beginning. There is much more to explore and learn. <br></div><div><br></div><div>This course is designed to be self-paced and self-assessed. Please make use of the self-assessment tab to grade your own writing. No essays should be sent to Dr. Siha.<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>You will NOT receive any college credit from taking this course in iTunes U. You need to enroll as a regular or online student to receive credits. Please visit these websites for my information.</b><br></div><div><b><br></b><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;">http://www.hacc.edu</span></div><div><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;">http://www.hacc.edu/Future-Student-Portal.cfm</span><br></div></div> |
<div>The third course in the English Essentials iTunes U series, English Essentials: Composition focuses on the development of fluency in writing clear, forceful, and effective prose. Through guided writing prompts, writing exercises and activities, and real classroom-based essay assignments, this course serves as an introduction to college-level writing. Learn from Dr. Siha's years of teaching writing as well as real student essay examples.<br></div><div><br></div><div>This course is designed to be self-paced and self-assessed. Please make use of the self-assessment tab to grade your own writing. No essays should be sent to Dr. Siha.<br></div><div><br></div><div>If you are not ready for writing at the college level, please subscribe to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/english-essentials-writing/id849817666">English Essentials: Writing</a> and purchase the iBooks Textbook <i><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/english-essentials-writing/id882832857?mt=13">English Essentials: Writing</a> </i>for additional writing instruction before taking this course. Need help with grammar? Subscribe to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/course/english-essentials-grammar/id1036001996">English Essentials: Grammar</a>.<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>You will NOT receive any college credit from taking this course in iTunes U. You need to enroll as a regular or online student to receive credits. Please visit these websites for my information.</b><br></div><div><b><br></b><span data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;" style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://www.hacc.edu">http://www.hacc.edu</a></span></div><div><span data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;" style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://www.hacc.edu/Future-Student-Portal.cfm">http://www.hacc.edu/Future-Student-Portal.cfm</a></span><br></div> |
<div><div>Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard's history. Nearly one thousand students pack Harvard's historic Sanders Theatre to hear Professor Sandel talk about justice, equality, democracy, and citizenship. Now it's your turn to take the same journey in moral reflection that has captivated more than 14,000 students, as Harvard opens its classroom to the world.</div><div><br></div><div>This course aims to help viewers become more critically minded thinkers about the moral decisions we all face in our everyday lives.</div><div><br></div><div>Over 12 weeks of lectures, Sandel challenges us with difficult moral dilemmas and asks our opinion about the right thing to do. He then asks us to examine our answers in the light of new scenarios. The result is often surprising, revealing that important moral questions are never black and white.</div></div> |
<div>校外学習や職場体験学習などに参加したあと、自分が経験したことや感じたことを他者にわかりやすく表現する方法を、このコースでは学んでいきます。自分の体験を伝える方法は、作文を書く、新聞で記事を構成するなど、様々な方法があります。ここではプレゼンテーションソフトを使って、自分の経験をまとめて、発表しましょう。<br><br></div> |
<div>Statistics 110 (Probability), which has been taught at Harvard University by Joe Blitzstein (Professor of the Practice in Statistics, Harvard University) each year since 2006. The on-campus Stat 110 course has grown from 80 students to over 300 students per year in that time. Lecture videos, review materials, and over 250 practice problems with detailed solutions are provided. This course is an introduction to probability as a language and set of tools for understanding statistics, science, risk, and randomness. The ideas and methods are useful in statistics, science, engineering, economics, finance, and everyday life. Topics include the following. Basics: sample spaces and events, conditioning, Bayes’ Theorem. Random variables and their distributions: distributions, moment generating functions, expectation, variance, covariance, correlation, conditional expectation. Univariate distributions: Normal, t, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Beta, Gamma. Multivariate distributions: joint, conditional, and marginal distributions, independence, transformations, Multinomial, Multivariate Normal. Limit theorems: law of large numbers, central limit theorem. Markov chains: transition probabilities, stationary distributions, reversibility, convergence. Prerequisite: single variable calculus, familiarity with matrices.</div> |
<div><span>4年生の社会科では、都道府県の学習が課題になっています。都道府県の学習では、単に都道府県名を覚えるだけでなく、それぞれの特徴を知りそれらを身につけることが大切です。家庭科では、「食」に注目して都道府県の特徴をまとめました。</span><br></div><div><span>47つもある都道府県の特徴を、すべてひとりで調べてまとめることは大変です。家庭科では関東地方以外を1人1つずつまとめました。そこで情報科の学習では、地方ごとの特徴をグループでまとめ共有することで、47都道府県の特徴について学びを進めます。</span><br></div><div><br></div> |
<p><span class="s1">Welcome to Have Sum Fun, a numeracy course.</span><br></p><p>Numeracy is the ability to use maths in real life. To follow a recipe to cook delicious teriyaki chicken, to catch a faster train to get to your school on time, to find out how much you need to save up monthly to buy a new bike. This course aims to assist students in obtaining these essential life skills.<br></p><p>This course consists of a number of Multi-Touch books, Have Sum Fun series, as a one stop shop for students, teachers and parents. New issues will be added to this course upon completion.<br></p><div>Enjoy learning.<br></div><div><br></div> |
<p><span style="font-kerning: none">This course is designed to help you to learn to code no matter what your level of experience. Through a series of exciting activities and challenges, you’ll learn key coding concepts as you solve puzzles in the Swift Playgrounds app. As you progress through the course, you’ll build your computational thinking skills, and see how coding can be fun as you explore examples of coding in everyday life. </span><br></p><div><span style="font-kerning: none"></span><br></div><p><span style="font-kerning: none">There are 10 lessons filled with video instruction and practical activities where you can document, practice, reflect and review your progress. </span><br></p><div><br></div> |
<div> iPadの導入が進み,授業も変わってきたが,積極的に導入を進め活用している教員と,消極的な姿勢であったため現在も活用が進まないでいる教員の差が大きくなっているようである。初期に導入できなかったことで,導入する気になっても「いまさら他の人に聞くのも恥ずかしい」「何からはじめていいのかわからない」という意識が働いて二の足を踏んでいる教員も少なくないのであろう。また,「授業以外で使えないのだろうか」「初心者でも失敗しにくい事例が知りたい」といった要望もよく聞かれる。</div><div> 今後,導入が進んでいない教員へのハードルを下げるための「入門書」として,各教科や教育活動における「Good Practice」集を作成する。</div><div> 導入ありきの入門書ではなく,導入によってどのように授業が変わったのか,どのように生徒が変わったのかまでを掲載することで,それぞれの教員が目指す授業のあり方を前提として参考に出来るものとする。</div><div> 様々なコンテンツが添付できるiTunes Uの特性を活かし,実際に実践例で用いられた教材等も出来るだけ添付したい。(教材があれば同じような授業が出来るわけではなもちろんない。狙いや授業計画まで含めて総合的に授業は作られるべきであるが,ここでは「教材をどうやって作っていいかもわからない」レベルであっても,まずは何か取り組んでみようというきっかけを作るためのものと考えている。)</div> |
<div>#GottaCatchEmAll - welcome to 'Explore Everything with Pokemon GO'! This iTunes U course has been put together for families and individuals to explore ten learning activities guided by Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences to help you engage more fully with the world of Pokemon GO. Learning activities use the Tag Journal app as well as other iPad apps and workflows to explore creative outcomes that relate to the experience of playing this phenomenal new Augmented Reality game. Course created by Craig Smith, Deputy Principal of Aspect Hunter School, Autism Spectrum Australia.<br></div><div><br></div> |
<div>小学校 低学年1年生 国語科教材</div><div>「どうやってみをまもるのかな」(東京書籍)</div><div><br></div><div>【コースの視点】</div><div><span style="text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>1年生が<span style="background-color: yellow;" data-mce-style="background-color: yellow;">はじめて触れる説明文</span>を、どのような視点から子どもにふれさせるのか。</strong></span></div><div><br></div><div>この教材が子どもたちにとって初めての説明文になります。</div><div>子どもたちと説明文との出会い、皆さんはどのような工夫をこらしていますか??</div><div><br></div><div>「説明文なんて一度読んだらだいたいわかるし…」</div><div>「難しい説明文よりも、楽しい物語の方が好き」</div><div><br></div><div>なんて、言う子どもを<span style="background-color: yellow;" data-mce-style="background-color: yellow;">6年後につくらないための工夫</span>を、この教材ではちりばめています。</div><div><br></div><div>子どもへの発問と、</div><div>指導者への助言を、併せて掲載しているコースです。</div><div><br></div><div>ぜひ、</div><div>このコースを機会に</div><div>「説明文っておもしろい!<span>」</span></div><div><span>「ぼくも書いてみたい!!」</span></div><div><span>と、言える子どもたちを育ててください。</span></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> |
<div><strong>Everything we know about how to start a startup, for free, from some of the world experts.</strong></div><div><strong><br></strong></div><div>This collection is designed to be a sort of one-class business course for people who want to start startups.</div><div><br></div><div>We cover how to come up with ideas and evaluate them, how to get users and grow, how to do sales and marketing, how to hire, how to raise money, company culture, operations and management, business strategy, and more.</div><div><br></div><div>You can’t teach everything necessary to succeed in starting a company, but I suspect we can teach a surprising amount. We’ve tried to take some of the best speakers from the past 9 years of Y Combinator dinners and arrange them in a way that will hopefully make sense.</div><div><br></div><div>We’re doing this because we believe helping a lot of people be better at starting companies will be good for everyone. It will hopefully be valuable even for people who don’t want to start startups.</div><div><br></div><div>Talks like these have really helped Y Combinator founders create their companies. We hope you find it helpful too!</div><div><br></div><div>-Sam</div><div><br></div><div>Note: the videos are in a slightly different order from how they were given at Stanford, for cohesiveness. In addition, some readings can only be viewed in iTunes U if you are using the iOS app. You can alternatively check the course website to follow along with the associated readings: <a href="http://startupclass.samaltman.com/" target="_blank" data-mce-href="http://startupclass.samaltman.com/">startupclass.samaltman.com</a><div> </div></div><div><br></div><div><div>For more online learning opportunities, please visit <a href="http://online.stanford.edu/" target="_blank" data-mce-href="http://online.stanford.edu/">Stanford Online</a>.</div><br></div> |
<div><div>Assuming a general background in the histories of Old, Middle, and Modern English, this course focuses on the rise of English language to the position of global dominance that it holds today, analyzing the reasons and relative stability of its position, and in particular, in relation to the other major world languages.</div></div> |
<div>‘Britain and America,’ wrote George Bernard Shaw, ‘are two countries divided by a common language.’ That witty comment summarises the problems and complexities of English. It has ended up as a world language, the widely used language of commerce and the internet.<br><br>But today’s widespread adoption and use of English is a complex story. Grammatically it’s hard to learn, it has many variants and comes with its own history. Its global distribution is largely due to its imposition through British colonial expansion, where it became the language of authority, control and oppression. Those malign beginnings still carry resentments around the world, and continue to pose questions. Is it arrogant to expect other countries to learn it while Anglophones don’t bother to learn their languages? Or is it a good thing that we’ve found common ground in a multicultural world?<br><br>The idea of English as a global language is controversial, particularly for people in non-English-speaking countries. This learning pathway examines that controversial nature as well as its cultural and economic importance. Using text, video and audio it explores what English means to those who use it and what it means to learn English, both as a mother tongue and an additional language.</div> |
<div>This course consists of a series of 10 photo-based video lessons designed to improve the listening, vocabulary and speaking skills of English learners at intermediate level and above. Each lesson is accompanied by a PDF transcript with a glossary and questions, a crossword, a wordsearch puzzle, web links, and a final quiz.</div> |
<div>This is the general art course for most of the art courses offered through NLA.</div> |
<div><strong>このコースは桜丘中学校、1年生の英語授業で使用している教材です。</strong></div><div>学校で4月~9月(前期)に使用している教科書「NEW CROWN 1」(三省堂出版)の文法、語彙の復習教材です。オリジナルリスニングとスピーケィングの練習教材もあります。</div><div><br></div><div>内容:</div><div>アルファベット(A~Z, a~z)、ローマ字</div><div>New Crown 1: Lesson 1 - be動詞 I am / You are~ p.16~23の語彙の復習教材</div><div> Lesson 2 - be動詞 This is / That is~ p.24~31の語彙の復習教材</div><div> Lesson 3 - 一般動詞 I play / I like~ p.32~41の語彙の復習教材</div><div> Lesson 4 - 複数形、命令文 p.42~49の語彙の復習教材</div><div> </div><div> </div><div> This is a short supplementary course that uses materials created for the Junior 1 English class at Sakuragaoka Junior High School in Kita Ward, Tokyo. These materials follows the MEXT approved Junior 1 textbook New Crown 1 (Sanseido Publishing). </div><div> Included are review activities for the vocabulary and grammar found in Lessons 1~4 of the New Crown 1 textbook, as well as additional listening and speaking activities for students to try. </div> |
<div>What do your dreams mean? Do men and women differ in the nature and intensity of their sexual desires? Can apes learn sign language? Why can’t we tickle ourselves? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, religion, persuasion, love, lust, hunger, art, fiction, and dreams. </div><div><br></div><div>We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury.</div> |