トラブルが起こりやすい設計のポイントのひとつに、締結部分の設計がある。締結にはねじ・ピン・リベットなどさまざまな種類があり、目的や場所に応じて何を使うか、どのくらいの数を使うのか考える必要がある。シンプルながら奥深い締結に関する設計を、SNSで人気の機械設計者がやさしく解説した一冊。 |
◆『速読速聴・英単語』シリーズより初のiBooks版が登場! “一石五鳥”(速読・速聴解・単語・熟語・背景知識)のコンセプトを踏襲しつつ、iBooksならではの機能を活用することで、本書のコンテンツをよりインタラクティブに使って学習していただけるようにしました。ロールプレイの練習をする、メモやハイライト機能を使ってオリジナルの「学習カード」を作る、気になったことをその場でWeb検索する等、楽しみながら、時には本書を飛び出して、日々英語にふれてみてください。 ◆単語力・熟語力に加え、速読力、リスニング力、そして背景知識を一挙にマスター ネイティブ・スピーカーが書き下ろしたオリジナル英文をじっくり読みながら、英語力の屋台骨とも言える初級レベルの単語・熟語・表現を総復習することができます。音声もあわせて活用すれば、単語力だけでなく、速読・リスニング力、さらには背景知識も身につきます。 ◆「やり直し」でも「はじめて」でも、基礎を磨くならこの一冊! 中学~高校初級レベルの単語・熟語を2400語掲載。基礎となる単語を網羅しているだけでなく、文脈の中で実際の用例に触れながら学ぶ形式なので、「知っているだけ」の知識を「使える単語」に高めることができます。学び直しの方にも最適の一冊です。 |
◆『速読速聴・英単語』シリーズよりiBooks版の第2弾が登場! “一石五鳥”(速読・速聴解・単語・熟語・背景知識)のコンセプトを踏襲しつつ、iBooksならではの機能を活用することで、本書のコンテンツをよりインタラクティブに使って学習していただけるようにしました。音声再生を利用してロールプレイの練習をする、メモやハイライト機能を使ってオリジナルの「学習カード」を作る、気になったことをその場でWeb検索する等、楽しみながら、時には本書を飛び出して、日々英語にふれてみてください。 ◆単語力・熟語力だけでなく、速読力・リスニング力・背景知識も無理なくマスター 英文はすべてネイティブ・スピーカーの書き下ろしです。「日常生活」「旅行」「ショッピング」「食事・料理」「スポーツ」「健康・癒し」「音楽・アート」「サイエンス」など幅広いテーマを扱った英文は身近で、読みやすく、興味をかき立てるものばかり。楽しく学びながら、視野を広げることができます。 ◆多種多様なスタイルの英文を掲載 メール、会話、webサイト、広告、記事などの多様なスタイルの英文を143本バランスよく掲載しています。これらの英文を読み聴くことで、インプットとアウトプットの両方に役立てることができます。 |
◆ベストセラーの英単語集『速読速聴・英単語』シリーズよりiBooks版の第3弾が登場! このたび、『速読速聴・英単語』シリーズより、初級編の『Basic』、初中級編の『Daily』に続いて、『TOEIC®TEST STANDARD』のiBooks版をリリースいたしました。“一石五鳥”(速読力・リスニング力・単語力・熟語力・知識)のコンセプトを踏襲しつつ、iBooksならではの機能を活用することで、本書のコンテンツをよりインタラクティブに使って学習していただけるようになっています。会話でロールプレイの練習をする、メモやハイライト機能を使ってオリジナルの「学習カード」を作る、気になったことをその場でWeb検索する等、楽しみながら、時には本書を飛び出して、日々英語にふれながら、TOEICテスト対策にお役立てください。 ◆TOEICテストに即した会話や文書形式を素材に、TOEIC頻出語句を覚える 写真の描写、会話、アナウンスや短い話、ビジネス文書など、TOEICの形式を意識した英文の中に、基礎から中級レベルの必修語句がふんだんに盛り込まれています。 ◆速読力、リスニング力、TOEICの対策法も身につく 長文を通して単語・熟語を覚えていくので、英文を読み、聴く力も同時に鍛えられます。また、TOEIC対策に役立つ情報がコラムとして掲載されていますので、TOEIC対策法も身につきます。 ◆TOEIC形式のクイズで、内容の理解度を確認できる 各英文には、TOEIC形式のクイズを用意しています。英文の内容の理解度を確認するためにも、TOEICの演習用としてもお役立ていただけます。 |
Welcome to English Essentials: Writing , the official iBooks Textbook to the successful iTunes U complete course “English Essentials: Writing”!  This iBooks Textbook can stand on its own, but it is best paired with either an in-person writing course or the iTunes U. This iBooks Textbook will cover important college-level areas of writing such as purpose and audience, the writing process, introductions and thesis statements, and the different forms of the English language. It also includes common academic essay assignments such as narrative, comparison, research, and argument.  Chapters on creative ways of representing knowledge (featuring real student examples), and easy to follow, easy to understand grammar rules and common errors will conclude this iBooks Textbook. |
Make words work for you - learn new words, phrases and expressions for a range of everyday topics, with interactive exercises |
The amazing book is what you need to standardize your accent and pronunciation.  This new and expanded fourth edition of American Accent Training with on-touch audio has four all-new chapters that cover the psychology of accent acquisition, American voice quality, a pronunciation overview, and an ESL instructor’s guide. The audio features professional male and female voices that have been carefully selected to represent that perfect American accent. With 30 years of extensive research, the unique AAT methodology has been refined to teach the American sound quickly and easily, paying special attention to:  • Voice quality, with emphasis on accurate presentation of the authentic American sound • Pronunciation, with attention to all vowels, consonants, blends, and diphthongs • Intonation, which focuses on syllable stress rules and word stress in a sentence • Linking, or liaisons between phonetically transcribed sounds so students can ”see” the sound  American Accent Training also offers detailed nationality guides for ten languages and accent variations: Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and the US Southern accent. Added features include access to comprehensive websites, and referral to a qualified telephone analyst for individual help. American Accent Training has been Americanizing the speaking habits of students and business people since 1991. Going where no accent book has gone before, AAT continues to set the standard for anyone learning or teaching the American accent. |
病院経営について、安価で簡単に理解できるシリーズです。最初の1巻は、病院における経営資源と内部環境と外部環境について説明しています。 |
『両手と想定のモチーフ』をテーマとしてB3サイズに鉛筆で描いていきます。描いていくプロセスへの解説内容の詳細はもちろん、様々なサンプル映像を数多く盛り込んでいます。Excellence Worksページでは21作品を講師のコメント付きで紹介しています。© SHINBI |
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. The Headway eBook includes the first six units of the new, 4th edition of the pre-intermediate level of the world’s most trusted English course, with interactive exercises and video. Tried and tested all over the world, Headway is the course that teachers and learners rely on. |
This new and expanded third edition of American Accent Training with on-touch audio and built-in tests has four all-new chapters that cover the psychology of accent acquisition, American voice quality, a pronunciation overview, and an ESL instructor's guide. The audio features professional male and female voices that have been carefully selected to represent that perfect American accent. With 30 years of extensive research, the unique AAT methodology has been refined to teach the American sound quickly and easily, paying special attention to:  • Voice quality, with emphasis on accurate presentation of the authentic American sound • Pronunciation, with attention to all vowels, consonants, blends, and diphthongs • Intonation, which focuses on syllable stress rules and word stress in a sentence • Linking, or liaisons between phonetically transcribed sounds so students can "see" the sound  American Accent Training also offers detailed nationality guides for ten languages and accent variations: Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and the US Southern accent. Added features include access to comprehensive websites, and referral to a qualified telephone analyst for individual help (800) 457-4255. American Accent Training has been Americanizing the speaking habits of students and business people since 1991. Going where no accent book has gone before, AAT continues to set the standard for anyone learning or teaching the American accent. |
The primary purpose of this book is to teach computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because MATLAB is easy to learn and, at the same time, is an extremely versatile and useful programming language and programming environment. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences through all disciplines of engineering to finance and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market. Nevertheless, this book is not merely a reference manual for MATLAB or a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming textbook that happens to use MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. As a side effect, the reader will gain a solid foundation in MATLAB. This book is a good fit for an introductory college-level course in computer programming for engineering and science students. In fact, it is being used as the textbook for such a course at Vanderbilt University. It serves the dual purpose of teaching computer programming and providing a background in MATLAB, which is used in higher-level courses in many majors. This book is also suitable to teach programming to high school students. The material assumes no background in mathematics that is not part of standard high school curricula, and MATLAB is much more accessible as an introduction to programming to the average student than Java, C, C++, or other general-purpose languages. |
Welcome to English Essentials: Composition! This is the second complete iBooks Textbook of the wildly popular English Essentials iTunes U and iBooks Textbook series and is useful to new and experienced writers as well as teachers of writing. In the four major essay assignments in this iBooks Textbook, you will go on a journey of exploration and storytelling of culture, as well as the analysis of problems and persuasion of solutions. Special attention will be given to the role of purpose and audience in your writing, and the use of high-quality, scholarly research to provide evidence to your claims. Chapters are full of interactive videos and content, including classroom and individual study activities that will help you brainstorm, write, revise, and creatively reflect and make new meaning.  This iBooks Textbook is best paired with the iTunes U public course “English Essentials: Composition” or an in-person college-level writing course. |
Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Book I Stage 1 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin. |
This ebook ( N2 Patterns Part 1 ) covers 98 intermediate-level Japanese patterns. Part 1 and Part 2 cover all the 187 patterns in the level-N2 grammar section of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).  The Natural Japanese at a Glance series adopts a unique multimedia approach that makes learning Japanese language patterns efficient and enjoyable. The ebook design is optimized for smartphones and tablets, so you can study and review the material any time and any place, even when you have only a few minutes to spare. Each book contains clear explanations, hundreds of examples with illustrations that you can understand at a glance , and sound files for every example. Listening to the examples and repeating them out loud helps you learn more efficiently. The ebooks are ideal for self study and review.  Each book in the series is independent and can be used as a standalone text. You can study the patterns in any order. 本書には日本語能力試験のN2レベル(中級後半程度)の文法パターンのうち、98パターンが含まれています。数分の空き時間であっても、スマートフォンやタブレットで効率的に学べます。 「一目でわかる自然な日本語」シリーズは、文字・イラスト・音声によって、日本語文法を楽しく効果的に学べるように独自の取り組みをしたものです。各パターンにはわかりやすい説明と文法図がついています。数百の例文はイラストを見ればその状況が一目でわかり、音声もついています。例文を読むだけでなく、音声を聞いたり、声に出して言う練習ができますので、独習にも最適です。 このN2シリーズは2冊に分けてありますが、学習の順番にしたがったものではありません。ニーズに合わせてお使いください。 |
整形外科外来のハンドリングのハウツー的な入門書がこれまでなかったので、整形内科概論という名前で出版してみました。  手術を必要としない整形外科の外来業務をするのに必要な最低限の知識とノウハウを設定して、その習得を一ヶ月という短期間で実行してもらうという参加型コンセプトのガイドになります。  この本が要求することを一ヶ月で無事に終え、一歩も二歩も前進して欲しいと思っています。  それでは皆様一ヶ月間の整形内科BootCampをお楽しみください!   *整形外科用語辞典を付録につけています。iBooksの機能を利用していますが、今後の電子書籍の発展の余地を感じる機能かと思います。 |
This textbook has been designed to improve all aspects of  business english. It contains  reading exercises, listening exercises, video and interactive quizzes to further enhance your global communication skill development. |
This multi-touch book establishes a fundamental knowledge and reference base for students of dental occlusion. With close to two hours of video and 3D animations, dozens of image galleries and presentations, and review quizzes at the end of every chapter, this is a uniquely interactive learning experience designed expressly for Apple iBooks. The ten chapters include occlusal terminology, anatomy and physiology, occlusal instruments, equilibration methodology, temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and associated neuromusculature, and diagnosis and treatment plans. The goal is to enable students of occlusion to begin their journey of discovery with a sound foundation. Chapter List 1. Glossary 2. Anatomy & Physiology 3. Occlusal Instruments 4. Occlusal Disorders & Equilibration 5. Temporomandibular Disorders & Management 6. Diagnosis & Treatment Planning 7. Removable Prosthodontic Occlusion 8. Fixed Prosthodontic Occlusion 9. Implant Prosthodontic Occlusion 10. Advanced Occlusal Concepts |
This ebook "N2 Patterns Part 2") covers 89 intermediate-level Japanese patterns. Part 1 and Part 2 cover all the 187 patterns  in the level-N2 grammar section of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).  The "Natural Japanese at a Glance" series adopts a unique multimedia approach that makes learning Japanese language patterns efficient and enjoyable. The ebook design is optimized for smartphones and tablets, so you can study and review the material any time and any place, even when you have only a few minutes to spare. Each book contains clear explanations, hundreds of examples with illustrations that you can understand "at a glance", and sound files for every example. Listening to the examples and repeating them out loud helps you learn more efficiently. The ebooks are ideal for self study and review.  Each book in the series is independent and can be used as a standalone text. You can study the patterns in any order. 本書には日本語能力試験のN2レベル(中級後半程度)の文法パターンのうち、89 パターンが含まれています。数分の空き時間であっても、スマートフォンやタブレットで効率的に学べます。 「一目でわかる自然な日本語」シリーズは、文字・イラスト・音声によって、日本語文法を楽しく効果的に学べるように独自の取り組みをしたものです。各パターンにはわかりやすい説明と文法図がついています。数百の例文はイラストを見ればその状況が一目でわかり、音声もついています。例文を読むだけでなく、音声を聞いたり、声に出して言う練習ができますので、独習にも最適です。 このN2シリーズは4冊に分けてありますが、学習の順番にしたがったものではありません。ニーズに合わせてお使いください。 |
Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Book I Stage 4 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin. |
From the author of the iTunes bestseller “The Yellow Cab of the Universe – The Solar System,” Mr. Albert’s Brain, is a revolutionary Physics textbook designed expressly for iBooks. If physics doesn’t completely blow your mind, you must not be looking at it correctly. The Yellow Cab can take you where no Physics book has gone before — into the mind of a brilliant (though slightly eccentric) scientist who can show you how this world we live in really works! The pages of the book unfold themselves to hundreds of other interactive pages, combining stunning artwork with original animation, video, 3D models that will radically redefine for you how a physics book should look and feel. Mr. Albert will take you on a journey through Motion, Force, Gravity, Heat, Waves, Electricity, Magnetism and lots more. As interesting as it is for adult readers, it is specifically designed to be used as a textbook by high school students (and as a presentation tool for teachers) – especially those who have found science in general and all kinds of textbooks, both paper and digital, lifeless and boring. Mr. Albert’s Brain will grab you with the stickiness of a video game, explaining basic concepts and key facts while taking you on an amazing journey, all the while reinforcing what you have previously learned in the interactive modules. There has never been a Physics book like Mr. Albert’s Brain, and the best way to see what we are talking about is to download the book (or book sample) to experience it for yourself! You will not be disappointed.  |
Dearest trombone friends, This is the digital version of the, in 2004 released, Ben’s Basics. During many of the masterclasses I have given in the past, students and colleagues asked me to write down my ideas and bundle them into a book. This book is a combination of ideas that have helped me get to where I am right now. They have also proven to be of great value to my students. I sincerely hope you will benefit from the exercises and tips in the book and enjoy reading it! Ben van Dijk |
Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Book I Stage 5 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin. |
Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Book I Stage 8 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin. |
Brings Latin to Life! Cambridge Latin Course Book I Stage 7 includes Model Sentences, Latin Stories, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin. |